Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari's hospitality

When Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention) migrated from Makkah to Madinah, he was welcomed by the Ansar (the Helpers), who offered him their homes and properties. The Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) decided to stay with Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari, who was overjoyed by this honor. Abu Ayyub had a two-storey house, and he insisted that the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) should stay in the upper floor, while he and his family would stay in the lower floor. The Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) agreed, but Abu Ayyub was not comfortable with this arrangement. He said to his wife, "Woe to us! How can we tread over the head of the Messenger of Allah? What if a jug falls down or a child urinates?" He and his wife spent the night awake, careful not to disturb the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) with any noise. In the morning, Abu Ayyub went to the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) and said, "O Messenger of Allah, by Allah, we did not sleep a wink last night. We were worried about you being underneath us. Please move to the lower floor and we will move to the upper floor." The Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) saw their sincerity and concern, and he accepted their request. He moved to the lower floor and they moved to the upper floor. Abu Ayyub and his wife were happy to host the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) in their house, and they treated him with utmost respect and love. They would eat from the same place where he ate, and drink from where he drank. They would also collect his ablution water and use it as a blessing. They were among the most devoted companions of the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention), and they participated in many battles with him. Abu Ayyub died in Constantinople during the siege of the city by the Muslims, and he was buried near the walls of the city. His grave is still visited by many Muslims today.

Some of the main lessons from this anecdote are:

- The generosity and hospitality of the Ansar, who welcomed the Prophet and the Muhajirun (the Emigrants) with open arms and shared their homes and properties with them.

- The love and respect that Abu Ayyub had for the Prophet, who felt honored to host him in his house and tried his best to make him comfortable and happy.

- The humility and simplicity of the Prophet, who chose to stay in the lower floor of Abu Ayyub's house and did not impose any burden on his host.

- The gratitude and kindness of the Prophet, who remembered his daughter Fatima and sent her some food from Abu Ayyub's house.