An anecdote from the writings of Shekh Sadi

 Hello, dear readers! Today I want to share with you an anecdote from the writings of Shekh Sadi, a famous Persian poet and moralist. This story is from his book Gulistan, which means "The Rose Garden". It is a collection of stories and poems that teach us valuable lessons about life.

The story goes like this: A king had a slave who was very loyal and obedient. One day, the king decided to test his slave's faithfulness. He ordered him to jump from the roof of the palace. The slave did not hesitate and climbed up to the roof. He was about to jump when the king stopped him and praised him for his devotion. The slave said: "O king! I know that you are wise and just. You would not order me to do something harmful without a good reason. Therefore, I trusted you and obeyed you."

The king was very impressed by the slave's words and rewarded him with many gifts. He also freed him from slavery and made him his friend and advisor.

The lesson we can learn from this story is that we should trust and obey those who have our best interests at heart. 

They may sometimes ask us to do things that seem difficult or dangerous, but they have a good purpose behind them. We should not question their authority or wisdom, but follow them with faith and loyalty.

I hope you enjoyed this anecdote and learned something from it. If you did, please leave a comment below and share it with your friends. Thank you for reading!