Ruku: A Brief Introduction

Ruku is an Arabic word that means a passage or a stanza in the Quran. It is also a term used to denote the act of bowing in prayer. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning and significance of both aspects of ruku.

Ruku in the Quran

The Quran is divided into 114 chapters (surahs) and 6236 verses (ayahs). However, there is another way of grouping the verses based on their thematic relation and coherence. This is called ruku, which roughly translates to "passage" or "pericope". There are 558 rukus in the Quran, which are marked by an Arabic symbol (ع) in some Quranic texts printed in Asia.

The rukus were not present during the revelation of the Quran or the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions. They were introduced later by Hajaaj bin Yusuf, a governor of Iraq under the Umayyad dynasty, to classify the verses of the Quran and facilitate its recitation and memorization. The rukus are not fixed or universal, as different scholars and publishers may have different criteria for determining them. However, they are generally based on the change of topic or context within a surah.

The rukus can help us understand the structure and message of the Quran better, as they show how the verses are connected and related to each other. They can also help us appreciate the beauty and eloquence of the Quranic language, as they highlight its rhetorical features and literary devices. Moreover, they can assist us in performing our prayers, as we can choose a suitable ruku to recite in each unit (rak'ah) of our prayer.

Ruku in Prayer

Ruku is also the name of one of the essential movements in our formal prayer (salah). It is the act of bowing at the waist from standing (qiyam) on the completion of recitation (qira'ah) of a portion of the Quran in each rak'ah. It is obligatory to perform ruku with tranquility and reverence, while glorifying God (سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِيم subhana rabbiya l-'azim, "Glory be to my Lord, the Most Magnificent!") thrice or more in odd number of times.

Ruku is a manifestation of our submission and humility before God, as we lower ourselves physically and spiritually in His presence. It is also a recognition of His greatness and majesty, as we praise Him for His attributes and actions. Furthermore, it is a preparation for prostration (sujud), which is the next movement in our prayer and the highest level of devotion and closeness to God.


Ruku is a word that has two meanings: one related to the Quran and one related to prayer. Both meanings are important for us as Muslims, as they enrich our knowledge and practice of our faith. We should strive to learn more about ruku and its benefits, and apply it in our daily lives with sincerity and excellence.