How Some People Claim to Find Pi in Quran and Why Others Disagree

The value of pi in Quran is a topic that some people claim to find evidence for in the Quran. According to web search results, one of the arguments is based on the 22nd chapter of the Quran, called Hajj, which mentions the ritual of circling around the Kaaba seven times. Some people say that this implies a connection between the numbers 22 and 7, which are used to approximate pi as 22/7 or 3.14. Another argument is based on the 96th chapter of the Quran, which contains the word "al-rujaa" (the return) with a numerical value of 314, and the whole verse with a numerical value of 628. Some people say that these numbers correspond to pi and 2pi in centiradians, which are units of angle measurement.

However, these arguments are not widely accepted by most scholars and mathematicians, who consider them to be coincidental or numerological interpretations that do not reflect the true meaning or purpose of the Quran. They also point out that pi is an irrational number that cannot be expressed exactly by any fraction or finite decimal expansion, and that using different units or methods of calculation can yield different results.

Therefore, it is not clear if there is any definitive or conclusive answer to the value of pi in Quran. It may depend on one's perspective and belief system.