Human Nature and Well-Being in Islam: A Challenge to Determinism

 According to the Islamic worldview, human beings are not just passive recipients of external stimuli. They have a conscious soul that is endowed with reason, intuition and moral sense. They also have a purpose in life, which is to worship God and serve His creation. They are accountable for their actions in this world and the Hereafter. Therefore, human behaviour cannot be explained solely by material or social causes. Human beings are not just economic beings, but also spiritual, moral, social and political beings. They have diverse needs and aspirations that cannot be fulfilled by material wealth alone.

Human beings are not slaves of their instincts, but masters of their destiny. They have the ability to control their impulses and channel them in constructive ways. Morality and religion are not shackles, but safeguards that protect human beings from harming themselves and others. They also provide a framework for personal and social development. Human beings are not machines or organisms, but agents who have free will and choice. They are not merely products of their environment, but also producers of their environment. They are not passive learners or subjects of manipulation, but active seekers of knowledge and values. The only way to achieve human well-being is to respect human dignity and freedom, and to promote human responsibility and accountability.