What Kind of Knowledge Does the Quran Want Us to Seek?

 The Quran asks us to pursue knowledge that is beneficial for us and for others, that leads us to the recognition and worship of Allah, and that helps us to guard ourselves from evil and ignorance. Some of the types of knowledge that the Quran encourages us to seek are:

These are some examples of the kind of knowledge that the Quran asks us to pursue. There are many other types of beneficial knowledge that we can learn from various sources, as long as they do not contradict or undermine the above-mentioned types of knowledge. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim” [Part of a sahih hadith reported by Ibn Majah and others] . He also said: “You must seek knowledge from birth till death” [Part of a sahih hadith reported by Al-Bayhaqi] . Therefore, we should always strive to learn more about Allah, His creation, His guidance, and ourselves. May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and make us among those who act upon it. Ameen.