The Life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Based on Surah Kawsar, Surah Duha, and Surah Inshirah

 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last and final messenger of Allah in Islam. His life serves as a guiding example for Muslims around the world. Surah Kawsar, Surah Duha, and Surah Inshirah are three chapters from the Quran that provide insights into different aspects of Prophet Muhammad's life. Let's explore these surahs and their relevance to the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Surah Kawsar

Surah Kawsar is the 108th chapter of the Quran. It consists of three verses and was revealed in Makkah. The surah holds great significance in the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The surah's title, "Kawsar," translates to "Abundance" in English.


Surah Kawsar is a short but powerful surah that conveys a profound message. It was revealed during a time when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) faced various challenges and opposition from his adversaries. The surah serves as a source of comfort and reassurance for the Prophet, reminding him of the abundant blessings bestowed upon him by Allah.

The surah's first verse states, "Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar." The term "al-Kawthar" refers to a river in Paradise that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It symbolizes the abundance of blessings, mercy, and goodness that Allah has granted to him.

The second verse instructs the Prophet to establish prayer and offer sacrifices to his Lord. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong connection with Allah through prayer and worship.

The third verse of Surah Kawsar highlights that those who oppose the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will be cut off from goodness. This verse serves as a reminder that the Prophet's mission is divinely supported, and those who reject his message will face consequences.

Overall, Surah Kawsar serves as a reminder to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) of the abundant blessings and support he receives from Allah, despite the challenges he faces.

Surah Duha

Surah Duha is the 93rd chapter of the Quran. It consists of 11 verses and was revealed in Makkah. The surah's title, "Duha," translates to "Morning Hours" in English.


Surah Duha holds great significance in the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as it was revealed during a period of hardship and emotional distress for him. The surah provides comfort and reassurance to the Prophet, reminding him that Allah has not abandoned him and that better times lie ahead.

The surah begins with the oath of the morning hours, symbolizing a new beginning and the promise of brighter days. It serves as a metaphor for the challenges the Prophet was facing and the hope for a better future.

The second verse addresses the Prophet directly, assuring him that Allah has not forsaken him nor is He displeased with him. This verse provides solace to the Prophet, dispelling any doubts or negative thoughts he may have had during difficult times.

The subsequent verses emphasize the rewards and blessings that await the Prophet in the hereafter. They remind him that the next life is far better than the present one and that he will be granted abundant goodness and satisfaction from Allah.

Surah Duha serves as a source of encouragement and motivation for the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during times of distress. It reminds him of Allah's unwavering support and the ultimate reward that awaits him.

Surah Inshirah

Surah Inshirah, also known as Surah Ash-Sharh, is the 94th chapter of the Quran. It consists of eight verses and was revealed in Makkah. The surah's title, "Inshirah," translates to "Expansion" or "Relief" in English.


Surah Inshirah was revealed during a period when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was facing immense challenges and hardships. The surah serves as a source of comfort and relief for the Prophet, assuring him that after every difficulty, there is ease.

The surah begins by mentioning the relief and expansion that Allah has granted to the Prophet. It serves as a reminder that Allah will alleviate the Prophet's burdens and make his tasks easier.

The subsequent verses highlight the concept of balance in life. They emphasize that with every difficulty, there is ease, and after hardship, there is relief. This message provides the Prophet with hope and reassurance during challenging times.

Surah Inshirah serves as a reminder to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that his difficulties are temporary and that Allah will provide him with relief and ease. It encourages him to persevere and remain steadfast in his mission.


Surah Kawsar, Surah Duha, and Surah Inshirah provide valuable insights into the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). These surahs offer comfort, reassurance, and motivation to the Prophet during times of hardship and adversity. They remind him of the abundant blessings, support, and relief that Allah has bestowed upon him. The lessons from these surahs continue to inspire and guide Muslims in their own lives, reminding them to seek solace in Allah during challenging times.