Overcoming Sadness: An Islamic Perspective

In a recent podcast episode, renowned Saudi author and scholar, Dr. Ayedh Al-Qarni, shared his insights on overcoming sadness and achieving happiness. The discussion, based on his book “Don’t Be Sad”, delved into various topics related to sadness, solitude, happiness, and productivity.

Solitude vs Loneliness

Dr. Al-Qarni began by distinguishing between solitude and loneliness. He explained that solitude can be a beneficial state, allowing for self-reflection and personal growth. He cited examples of scholars and poets who found solitude to be a source of inspiration and creativity. However, he cautioned against excessive isolation, advocating for a balanced approach to social engagement.

Productivity and Planning

The conversation then shifted to the importance of having a plan and a strategy for productivity. Dr. Al-Qarni emphasized the need to allocate time for creativity and reflection. He warned against complacency and materialism, urging listeners to strive for a balanced and fulfilling life.

The Power of Solitude

The scholar narrated the story of Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, a renowned Islamic scholar who spent ten years in solitude seeking truth. This period of isolation resulted in Al-Ghazali’s return to the Sunnah and the creation of his influential books. Dr. Al-Qarni, however, cautioned that such a path is not for everyone and should not be imitated without careful consideration.

The Changing Concept of Sadness

Dr. Al-Qarni also discussed the evolution of the concept of sadness from 2003 to 2021. He noted that the advent of social media and other factors have made sadness more complex and prevalent. Despite this, he encouraged listeners to live a simple life and practice gratitude.

Overcoming Sadness and Achieving Happiness

In the second part of the discussion, Dr. Al-Qarni shared his insights on overcoming sadness and achieving happiness. He stressed the importance of satisfaction and gratitude, patience and optimism, and the power of positive thinking. He also discussed the challenges of fame and criticism, the deception of social media, and the value of fame and influence.

The Role of Fate and Destiny

Dr. Al-Qarni delved into the concept of fate and destiny in Islam. He emphasized the importance of accepting God’s decree and being content with what one has. He also highlighted the importance of seeking God’s help and guidance in times of difficulty.


Throughout the discussion, Dr. Al-Qarni provided a wealth of advice and insights based on his personal experiences and Islamic teachings. His words serve as a reminder of the power of faith, patience, and positivity in overcoming sadness and achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. His book “Don’t Be Sad” continues to inspire and guide individuals around the world in their journey towards happiness.