Unveiling the Mysteries of Muslims: an interview with Zhanna Kushnir, delving into her experiences with magic

Zhanna Kushnir is a woman who has delved deeply into the realm of magic and the supernatural. In her interview, she shares her experiences and insights into various aspects of magic, including graveyard rituals, protection from evil spirits, and energy manipulation. She describes herself as someone who possesses sacred knowledge beyond that of ordinary people, indicating her deep understanding of certain esoteric subjects. The discussion on Muslims in the interview revolves around their resilience to negative influences due to their constant connection with their faith, particularly through prayer and religious practices. Here's a breakdown of the key points regarding Muslims in the discussion:

Difficulty in Influencing Muslims : It is noted that it is very difficult to influence Muslims due to their strong connection with their faith. They engage in daily prayers (namaz) and read Quranic verses regularly, which contributes to their spiritual protection. This constant engagement with religious practices creates a shield or "dome" around them, making it challenging for external forces to influence them negatively.

Strength of the Aggregor : Muslims are mentioned to passionately believe in and contribute energy to their "aggregor," which acts as a protective force. This aggregor is described as a positive entity that benefits from the energy and faith of believers. It serves as a shield against negative influences and manipulations.
Challenge for Manipulators : Those seeking to manipulate or influence Muslims face significant obstacles due to the strength of their faith and the protective barrier provided by their religious practices. Attempts to influence them often fail, as Muslims are depicted as steadfast in their beliefs and less susceptible to external manipulations.
Contrast with Other Religious Groups : The discussion contrasts Muslims with some Christians, highlighting that Muslims are more consistent in their faith and less likely to stray from their religious practices. In contrast, some Christians may only turn to prayer during times of crisis, whereas Muslims maintain a consistent connection with their faith.

Overall, the interview suggests that Muslims' strong adherence to their faith and regular engagement in religious practices serve as powerful protections against negative influences and manipulations from dark forces.