
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Story of Prophet Dawud (David) and the Two Angels

The Day of Judgment: The Book of Deeds and the Fear of the Wrongdoers [Al Quran 18:49]

Why Dog Meat is Forbidden in Islam

The Meaning and Implication of Surah Muhammad Verse 36 for Marital Life

The art of advice, from the Quran and the Sunnah

The Evolution of Islamic Scholarship: A Comparison of the First and Later Generations' Relation to the Qur'an

The corruption and deviation of the religious leaders from the true path of Islam

Iqbal’s Philosophy of Khudi and its Relation to Fana in Sufism

Iqbal’s Philosophy on Prophet Isa, Mahdi and Yazuz Mazuz: A Synthesis of Islamic and Western Thought

How Some People Claim to Find Pi in Quran and Why Others Disagree

Tariq Ramadan’s Political Orientation: A Complex and Controversial Profile

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi: A Reformist Islamic Scholar

Nasser vs. Qutb: The Clash of Secularism and Islamism in Modern Egypt

Nationalism and Islam: A Comparative Overview

The Rise and Fall of Mursi’s Presidency: A Contested Legacy

The Quran and Sunnah on Avoiding Quarrelsome Behavior and Promoting Harmony

A Comparison of Syed Qutb and Maulana Maududi

Surah Al-Mulk, verse 19